Projects with this topic
We aim at generating 3D scenery models for Flightgear, the open source flight simulator, using OSM data.
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FlightGear - Build Releases & Tooling
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Getstart manual for the FlightGear flight simulator
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Air traffic control (ATC) tower and radar simulator. Solo and multi-player games available.
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This project tries to build FlightGear scenery for the entire planet (Earth) from OpenStreetMap data using the osm2city toolchain and AWS cdk stacks.
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Data files (mostly textures) for osm2city
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FlightGear multiplayer map (the node.js way) - live version at http://mpmap03.flightgear.org/
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Small workarounds and aircraft development tools for FlightGear
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Convert .obj from an X-Plane scenery folder to FlightGear's scenery format, using blender, Marginal's XPlane2Blender script, and the ac3d exporter. Blender 2.49, python2.6, xptools and all required scripts are included.
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ws2.0 Complete Tool Chain - including Windows early abort patch.
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