Projects with this topic
Tiny joke program to print ASCII table to standard output and avoid looking watermarked images of it on the internet, implemented in C, Ada, Fortran and flat assembly.
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The aim of this project is to collect subroutines used commonly in scienctific computing and name them as they're named in python. See examples of linspace, interpolation and integrating an analytical function, integrate a numerical function saved on a file below.
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Simulation program developed in order to investigate the the influence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on the emergence of topologically nontrivial magnetic structures in two-dimensional systems. The simulation is designed to explore the conditions under which skyrmions, antiskyrmions and bimerons manifest in the presence of competing interactions.
Scripts for the output data post-processing, analysis and visualization are also included.
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Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Library of mathematics subroutines
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Desktop GUI app prototype, on Windows, in Fortran95, using ClearWin+
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