Projects with this topic
Foundry VTT module for the Pathfinder 1 game system, adding functionality for Spheres of Power and Spheres of Might
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An implementation of the Nechronica -The Long Long Sequel- game system for Foundry Virtual Tabletop
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Repository for the Chat Commander FoundryVTT module.
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Die offizielle Gitlab Seite zu Ulisses' Grundregelwerksmodul für Savage Worlds Abenteuer Edition auf Foundry.
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Die offizielle Gitlab Seite zu Ulisses' Abentuerdeckmodul für Savage Worlds Abenteuer Edition auf Foundry.
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An adventure scenario for Salvage Union by Leyline Press
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A utility to generate an image-mapping.json file for FoundryVTT's pathfinder2e system
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The isometric module for foundryvtt, it adds a few features that make playing in isometric view as good if not better than top down.
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Die offizielle Gitlab Seite zu Ulisses' Grundregelwerksmodul für Hexxen 1733 auf Foundry.
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Conspiracy In The Stars - A Dark Matter Adventure for characters level 3-5.
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Ilaris für FoundryVTT
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Foundry VTT game system for the A·C·E | Advanced Cepheus Engine role-playing game. This work is permitted under the Open Gaming License:
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Die offizielle Gitlab Seite zu Ulisses' Einsteigerbox für Hexxen 1733 auf Foundry.
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Helps to translate Foundry VTT modules and systems by being able to use translation software (CAT software)
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An unofficial supplement for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4e within Foundry-VTT, by and for the Wilson Family Gaming group. Includes homebrewed information and careers for the dwarf Runesmith and the Arabyan djinn-wielding Maji. Also includes a handful of specific runes and spells for such careers, as well as actors, scenes, and journal entries specific to the Company - the player characters within our gaming group.