Projects with this topic
microG/UnifiedNlp backend that uses Baidu Location API to resolve locations
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microG/UnifiedNlp backend that uses AMap Location API to resolve locations
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Java implementation of some of the commonly used algorithms in the realm of "Natural Language Processing".
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Code implementation for "Discovering Hidden Topical Hubs and Authorities in Online Social Networks" (SDM'18)
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Code implementation for "On Analyzing User Topic-Specific Platform Preferences Across Multiple Social Media Sites" (WWW'17)
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NLP Lean Programming framework (NLPf)
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Mobile Application - Java, Python, Firebase
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Pimlico has now moved to Github:
Pipelined Modular Linguistic Corpus processing toolkit (PiMLiCo).
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Feature extractor to build an XML file with the required features for running ReelOut with the MSCoco Imageset.