Projects with this topic
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フリーランサー・個人事業主向け会計システム。家族共用の家計簿としても利用可。 Ruby on Rails 7.
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A web-based accounting, erp system that written in PHP and MySql includes Sales, Purchasing, Warehousing, Manufacturing, Human Resource... It supports multi user, multi currencies, multi languages.
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Complete software for the generation and sending of customer invoices and collection of delivery invoices including handover to the accounting.
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The credit commons protocol, is at the technical level, a set of APIs described in docs/openapi3.0. The rest of the repository is the reference implementation of the protocol, with some other documentation.
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Um pequeno programa em PHP para Ciências Contábeis, de código aberto. “Pouco eficiente, e apenas para intranet/localhost, porém quebra o galho.”