Projects with this topic
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Une application pour dessiner des graphes, les exporter en jpg ou en code brut (python, JSON, GraphViz), appliquer différents algorithmes à des graphes, avec une animation des différentes étapes et un pseudo-code en vis-à-vis, ...
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Blender add-on - Set of tools for Grease Pencil in animation production
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Inkscape extension for animating paths, so it looks as if they were being drawn by hand, using CSS3 animations.
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A simulation of classical (mathematical) billiards. / Symulacja klasycznych bilardów (matematycznych). Python + NumPy + Matplotlib
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Some helpful tools for Layout Artists working in Maya
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My Final project for the course of Computational Method for Physics at Unipd
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Ascii.js is a lightweight library which aims to help artists and developers easily animate text. For websites or creative coding sketches, the library let users create a console aesthetic project.
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A spriting and animation tool made in C++ & Qt.