Projects with this topic
🐴 A CLI that extends ansible, ansible-playbook, and ansible-vault to use the system keyring for vault passwordsUpdated -
Add security to your network automation, the easy way! This is the companion repository for the meetup presentation. It illustrates how to parse configuration files (in this example, Cisco router) for Personal Identifying Information (PII) and invokes to identify if the information has been breached. The concepts illustrated here can be applied to any input file that may contain PII, or as part of a workflow for onboarding employees.
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Ansible Inventory project for C2 Platform reference implementation.
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An Example CI/CD project with Helm and auto LetsEncrypt for Kubernetes cluster
This repository contains a Go programs of a web server that answers the question: "Is Go 1.x out yet?"
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Docker image for running Ansible playbook