Projects with this topic
MAX7219tiny - Tinusaur MAX7219 Library for LED 8x8 Matrix
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El objetivo de este proyecto es para emitir un pequeño sonido que nos alerte tanto por alto ruido o por cercanía. Lo planteo principalmente para un perro que se acerca a la basura demasiado y además ladra constantemente.
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code for the book Lets learn ATTiny85 board programming using Arduino
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The Poor Man's Rubber Ducky is an open source automated HID (human interface device) project based on the Digispark ATtiny85 USB Development Board.
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The Open-Drip-Sensor is a frugal scientific instrument that counts and display the drip-rate of an intravenous-line. It can be adapted on any kind of drip-chamber.
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Bluebox PCB using an ATtiny85 AVR microcontroller and a 3 x 4 resistor-ladder keypad
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Remote controlled flashing lights using an AtTiny85 microcontroller
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Simple pulse divider for irrigation flow meter