Projects with this topic
git command and hook that deletes local branches when a matching PR is merged
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This project is to collect useful scripts for use with Microsoft Azure.
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Automated deployment of AKS pattern with ArgoCD, Terraform, Helm, KEDA.
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"Cloud container data analytics, statistical modeling, and machine learning on distributed databases". "A free opensource alternative to SPSS, SAS, MATLAB, PowerBI, Tableau and Alteryx". Runs on Linux, Windows, MacOS, and in the cloud via containers.
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POC to deploy a GlusterFS cluster to Azure
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This repo contains an ansible script to deploy Managed Kubernetes on azure (aks) it contains an var file for a mini aks cluster
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Deploy Bitwarden selfhosted webapp, using Docker containers on Terraform provisioned Azure resources
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Docker image with Azure CLI ready for ACR (Azure Container Registry) operations.
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Enterprise Cloud and On-premise Backup solution