Projects with this topic
This Gitlab Repository contains SUCKLESS Configurations, including My Personal Build and Configuration of the Dynamic Window Manager (DWM) and My Personal Build and Configuration of DWMBlocks, using the XORG/X11 Display Server.
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A bash script with 100+ menu options for macOS system diagnostics and utilities. Interactive, modular, and user-friendly.
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Conjuntos de Scripts para Debian con el que preparar mi entorno de programación, aplicaciones, repositorios y configuraciones mediante un menú de selección
Este es un mirror de:
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Custom bash prompt and scripts
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Following along with freeCodeCamp's Bash Scripting lesson -- part of the "Relational Database" certification.
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Take screenshots/screen recording using grim/wf-recorder and wrap it into rofi
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My reusable templates. I hate writing code twice
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My own custom CLI with lots of commands that I frequently use
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These are Collection of Shell scripts I often use
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ScriptScribe is a POSIX-compliant shell script library which enables logging for any shell script.
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Mi guía de estilos para Bash (Español)
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Scripts independientes para tareas específicas. Se ordenan por función/objetivo. Sistemas Operativos obejtivo Debian stable y Fedora stable, esto no quita que puedan ser utilizados o adaptados ligeramente para otros.
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An install script to automate setting up a Gentoo system
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A bash script that compiles and installs the latest V language source for Arch Linux as an alpm package.
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ScripTally is a POSIX-compliant shell library to keep a tally of steps started and completed in any script
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An Arch Linux bash install script for the V language server.
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My Hal-9000 System Information Script. Current Version: v.1.3.2... is a script that will produce a output in the terminal and create a system_name.stat file in the user /Home Directory.
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SpectrWm Manual Binary Build / Manual Install in Mint 20 so Future Updates of the binary can be easily implement without the use of the SpectrWm's Repo's. I did this 1 year ago. I have redesigned the repo on 06/06/2022
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Academic project for The System Analysis and Design course. Fall 2018