Projects with this topic
A bash script with 100+ menu options for macOS system diagnostics and utilities. Interactive, modular, and user-friendly.
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Conjuntos de Scripts para Debian con el que preparar mi entorno de programación, aplicaciones, repositorios y configuraciones mediante un menú de selección
Este es un mirror de:
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Custom bash prompt and scripts
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Following along with freeCodeCamp's Bash Scripting lesson -- part of the "Relational Database" certification.
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Take screenshots/screen recording using grim/wf-recorder and wrap it into rofi
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My reusable templates. I hate writing code twice
😝 Updated -
My own custom CLI with lots of commands that I frequently use
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These are Collection of Shell scripts I often use
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ScriptScribe is a POSIX-compliant shell script library which enables logging for any shell script.
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Mi guía de estilos para Bash (Español)
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Scripts independientes para tareas específicas. Se ordenan por función/objetivo. Sistemas Operativos obejtivo Debian stable y Fedora stable, esto no quita que puedan ser utilizados o adaptados ligeramente para otros.
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An install script to automate setting up a Gentoo system
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A bash script that compiles and installs the latest V language source for Arch Linux as an alpm package.
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ScripTally is a POSIX-compliant shell library to keep a tally of steps started and completed in any script
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An Arch Linux bash install script for the V language server.
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My Hal-9000 System Information Script. Current Version: v.1.3.2... is a script that will produce a output in the terminal and create a system_name.stat file in the user /Home Directory.
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SpectrWm Manual Binary Build / Manual Install in Mint 20 so Future Updates of the binary can be easily implement without the use of the SpectrWm's Repo's. I did this 1 year ago. I have redesigned the repo on 06/06/2022
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Academic project for The System Analysis and Design course. Fall 2018
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A bash script for toggling on and off smart devices via IFTTT webhooks