Projects with this topic
GitLab's semgrep container image augmented with hundreds of additional Node.js/JavaScript/Typescript and Go rules from Semgrep's rule repository.
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Docker Puppeteer is a container image with the recommended configuration for using Puppeteer to drive a headless Chrome browser.
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Pagean is a web page analysis tool designed to automate tests requiring web pages to be loaded in a browser window, e.g. checking for horizontal scrollbar, console errors, broken links.
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A container image to run Lighthouse and Lighthouse CI with the latest Chromium release.
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Docker Puppeteer is a container image with the recommended configuration for using Puppeteer to drive a headless Chrome browser.
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Simple web application designed for running in containers for demos
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Docker container images with Xen Orchestra
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Docker container build for the Certification Authority project. This container starts an Apache 2.4 web server as a reverse proxy in front of Node-RED.
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A Semgrep slim container and a CodeClimate engine container for GitLab CI
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Seafood Restaurant is a TunaSync-inspired Docker stack used to clone build dependency mirrors
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🐴 Boilerplate / starting point / instructions for creating a DockerfileUpdated -
A slim Python CodeClimate engine for GitLab CI
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🎉 A slim Shellcheck standalone linter and a CodeClimate engine for GitLab CIUpdated -
An Ansible Lint slim container and a CodeClimate engine container for GitLab CI
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😉 A slim Proselint standalone linter / CodeClimate engine for GitLab CIUpdated -
A slim HTMLHint linter / CodeClimate engine for GitLab CI
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🚀 A Docker-in-Docker container for testing with ContainerStructureTest and GitLab Runner👏 Updated -
A slim Flake8 and a CodeClimate engine container for GitLab CI
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