Projects with this topic
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a custom GitLab runner to deploy websites, releases with downloads, create and push rpm/deb repository from CI token-less.
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This module covers basic programming tasks with python.
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Dev(Sec)Ops. Safe and fast, reproducible and automatic, resilient and scalable.
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A blog site made with Hugo to showcase my DevOps Apprentice Portfolio
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Sample project for setting-up Gitlab CI/CD to gitlab
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Découvrez les tutoriels en français :
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Package nodejs app with npm and deploy it on a cloud VM.
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Panto is a platform for monitoring your infrastructure, servers and applications in production.
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an ansible skeleton start start right out of the box
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Python packaging tools for Gitlab CICD pipelines
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Autoreflogs is a Sphinx extension that aims to synchronize information from different sources about the development cycle and make it relevant to non-technical people.
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A very small utility for triggering the Git re-deploy for stacks in Portainer via CLI.
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#W3AF audit discovery information vulnerability. #OWASP ZAP get it´s this.
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Модуль для создание ВМ в среде виртуализации Proxmox