Projects with this topic
Java console application which simulates employers and their employees. Demonstrates usage of: Modeling objects --- Reading/writing from/to .txt files --- Strategy design pattern --- uml diagram
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Java console application which simulates ordering system from various restaurants and delivering orders to customers.
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Searching for a specific word in a text and counting the numbers of this word.
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An open sourced plugin that allows you to use CodeBars inside your birt reports.
Plugin de código aberto que permite que o uso de código de barras dentro do relatórios Birt.
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This is a collection of several Eclipse-based tools for story diagrams coming from the Fujaba community (see
This repository is a git migration of the SVN-based sdm-commons repository at Google Code, which went out of service.
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Write a simple calendar tool that allows the synchronization of appointments between different hosts. It is sufficient to implement a text-based console application that provides facilities to add, remove and modify appointments. Adding a graphical
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Implementation of the Clustering K-Nearest Data Mining Algorithm base on Java
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This Java SMS source code can be used to send SMS text messages to mobile phones from a Java SMS application by using HTTP requests and responses. More information: