Projects with this topic
TV series watched by Mariane Maynard and Benjamin Rancourt, accessible from https://whatwearewatching.netlify.app/.
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My blog - https://mbarberot.gitlab.io
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An Eleventy starter project using JavaScript templates. Demo: https://eleventy-dot-js-blog.netlify.com/
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Proof-of-concept for fetching pages / blocks from Notion (via official Notion API beta) with the Eleventy static website builder's global data functionality. Custom shortcodes added for yet not supported types.
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Microsite per a la Fira Barrejant 2020 · https://fira.barrejant.cat/
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This started as test for eleventy exploration but bloomed into an website. https://trirotnoshoronbiharnoakhali.com
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Eleventy starter project. Uses Tailwind, Algolia, Webpacck. Supports multi-language.
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A slideshow presentation about the JAMstack, built with Eleventy and hosted on Netlify