Projects with this topic
Nim0 is a toy compiler for a limited subset of Nim language, all in 5 heavily documented source files so that you can understand them. It is a port of Niklaus Wirth's Oberon-0 compiler.
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A Docker image for CI jobs that need to run the Android emulator, based on Google's Requires KVM.
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CHIP-8 platform emulator for KaiOS with extended sound engine (former GerdaOS Easter Egg)
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GameBoy emulator written just for fun and education
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A build infrastucture for Python on Android
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CHIP-8 virtual machine in JS & HTML -
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Google Cloud Functions emulator to help in development of serverless applications
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A system emulator
This is a mirror of
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A Chip8 emulator with an emphasis on code safety and cleanliness.
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A web based CHIP-8 interpreter.
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A lightweight frontend for launching SNES games on the Raspberry Pi
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