Projects with this topic
Encryption tool based on the one-time pad technique
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Contributions to the ParrotSec project and community. Join the || telegram group: @parrotsecgroup || https://t.me/parrotsec || webirc: http://webchat.frozenbox.org/ || irc Server: irc.frozenbox.org || Clear Ports: 6667 - 6669 || SSL/TLS Ports: 6697 - 7000 || XMPP Server: chat.frozenbox.org (Port:5222) || MUC: conference.chat.frozenbox.org ||
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Collection of GPG related scripts, configurations, etc
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Encryptor/Decryptor for PIV compatible tokens such as Crayonic KeyVault
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Simple wrapper for encryption/decryption of V8-serialisable data structures.
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jPack is an application that encrypts/decrypts a selected directory by creating a single file from it. It works on the principle of creating an archive that contains strong encrypt data.
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universal decentralised encrypted community chat
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A Golang BIP38 package/library and a CLI tool implementing it.
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A small application to quickly encrypt and decrypt text, using known basic methods (Caesar, Polybe...)
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