Projects with this topic
Base móvil programada con MicroPython y ESP01 para la transmision de datos via WiFi,control de motores con Arduino y codigo de Python. Util además para concursos de Fútbol Robótico.
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Wireless controlled power outlet // stop kontak yang dapat di kontrol lewat jaringan wifi
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RGB WiFi Arduino code for the ESP8266 (NodeMCU V1.0 edition)
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[WIP] E-Scooter code for my DIY electric scooter based on Arduino and IoT
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Application to monitor environment of a server rack and share data through http server locally hosted on ESP8266. The application features AJAX service with sensor fault identification and captive portal to manage WiFi Connectivity.
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ESP8266 reads humidity from AM2302/DHT22 and broadcasts it over UDP
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Høy intensitets trenings timer
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Relay-Steuerung per ESP8266-Modul über WLan
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Sabre TV had no remote. ESP8266 to the rescue.
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Thermostat d'ambiance multizone libre. Interface utilisateur et communication entre les composants en wifi.
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A REST micro framework for micro controllers using MicroPyhton
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Proof of concept proxytool that (hopefully) allows avrdude to succesfully program a mcu with esp-link