Projects with this topic
Python program to read CSTimer exported file (JSON format) and convert it to Excel
Usage: cstimer2excel.py [filename.txt [sessionname]]
Default filename.txt = cstimer.txt
Default session = loop over all sessions
The output will be an excel sheet containing the raw data and 2 graphs:
one where the X-axis contains the solve number another one where it contains the dates of the solvesDNF are taken into account and the average will be a DNF if not ignored.
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pyxl-sql is a small implementation of SQL, for excel workbooks, based on openpyxl
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F1F9 has a list of "suggested shortcuts", but their implementation of such recommendations was not to my liking. This is my attempt to write from scratch and make it more maintainable, extensible, and efficient.
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small gradle helper plugin to cope with existing excel sheets. planned feature set: conversion of these sheets to asciidoc, yml, csv or other needed formats.