Projects with this topic
Used to develop GitLab's version of Git. Branches mirrored from are protected.
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Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository.
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Export an RCS or CVS history as a fast-import stream. This program analyzes a collection of RCS files in a CVS repository (or outside of one) and, when possible, emits an equivalent history in the form of a fast-import stream.
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Le "Jeu du Pendu - Devine Mot" est une application console en C++ qui permet de jouer au jeu du pendu en mode solo ou multijoueur. Le joueur doit deviner un mot mystère en choisissant des lettres une par une, tandis que chaque mauvaise tentative rapproche le pendu de sa fin. Le projet offre différents modes de jeu, incluant un mode contre la machine et un mode multijoueur en ligne non fonctionnel.
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Easily manage multiple FLOSS repositories.
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custom linux config files
🍚 as seen on r/unixporn #noricenolife neovim cultist -
GitLab version of Git. (deprecated)
NOTE: will be used for git development at GitLab
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Remote git repository synchronization.
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I'm making a script in bash to install Arch Linux easily.
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The Project contains a pure implementation of a Doubly linked list, Tree(Binary Search Tree), Queue, Stack, Linked list, and more to come. The implementation is in C++ style.
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Gives information about Git repository revision in format like 'master-c73-gbbb6bec'. Can fill template string or file. Useful to provide information about version of the program: branch, tag, commit hash, commits count, dirty status.
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A script for extracting version information useful in release/build scripting.