Projects with this topic
“Schnittstelle zur Wahldatenbereitstellung”: An API and a UI to access data about elections concerning the Verfasste Studierendenschaft of the Universität Heidelberg. Contributions welcome!
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Offline HTML5 validator
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The GitLab handbook, rendered with Hugo and GitLab pages. https://handbook.gitlab.com/ Everyone can contribute.
Development and contribution guidelines: https://handbook.gitlab.com/docs/development/
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Codice del sito web https://www.ils.org/
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Decouple your design system from your multiplatform UI
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VS Code HTML-Validate extension
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Test handbook fork
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GitLab Pages daemon used to serve static websites for GitLab users
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This is a mirror of the LinkAhead Python Advanced User Tools repository.
You are invited to create issues and to contribute code.
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Jekyll page to power https://f-droid.org, staging at https://staging.f-droid.org/
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Ansible playbooks and custom roles to deploy the usegalaxy.fr infrastructure on IFB core cluster ressources
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This repository contains the backend source code for the Colmena Platform.
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A set of modifications to the Docsy theme for various GItLab projects including the public and internal handbooks.
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