Projects with this topic
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This project develops video analytics towards anomaly detection on edge for smart cities under low light conditions:
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Portainer -compatible InfluxDB docker-compose
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A Home Assistant integration that implements a OGC SensorThings client
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This project aims to develop a Semantic Knowledge Driven On-demand Data Offerings for Quarriable Smart City Data Marketplace
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Ini adalah source code Arduino dasar pembelajaran dari Inixindo IoT Kejar 2019
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Code voor een meet-up met wat IoT hardware, sensors, mesh-netwerk, data analyse en visualisatie.
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Aplikasi IoT CatFeeder dengan ESP 8266 adalah sebuah aplikasi yang dirancang untuk mempermudah pemilik kucing dalam memberikan makan pada kucing mereka. Aplikasi ini menggunakan ESP 8266 sebagai pengendali feeding dan PHP sebagai bahasa pemrograman untuk mengelola database. Pemilik kucing dapat mengatur jadwal makan dan mengontrol jumlah makan yang diberikan melalui aplikasi ini.
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Simple fan assistant system project
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Example of a basic IoT system An ESP32 collects temperature measurements from the DS18B20 sensor via OneWire protocol and sends the readings to an IoT server via MQTT protocol over WiFi. The IoT server stores the data in a MySQL database and plots real-time readings on a Dashboard. The server is programmed with Node-Red for managing the data flow from the ESP32 and for storing and visualizing data. The server is running a Mosquitto MQTT broker. The present repository contains the ".ino" file used to program the ESP32 and the Node-Red flow in .json format for data acquisition and storage in the MySQL database and for visualization.
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This project aims at Visualise IoT Data in 3D Abacws Building. Demo: Screencast:
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Custom firmware for my Anet A8 printer. Forked from
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Dashboard to control leds OVER THE INTERNET (using ESP32 and
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Website for french - version LoRa
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Philips Hue node to control bridges, lights, groups, motion sensors, temperature sensors and Lux sensors using Node-RED.
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Français: Projet simulant le contrôle à distance de l'état d'un réacteur nucléaire avec un ESP32, une platine d'essai avec un bouton poussoir et 2 DEL, réalisé avec le Framework Arduino en C++ avec
English: Project simulating remote control of nuclear reactor status with an ESP32, a breadboard with a push button and 2 DEL, and realized with the Arduino Framework in C++ with
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Français: Projet de gestion de connexion à un réseau wifi par point d'accès avec un ESP32, une platine d'essai avec un bouton poussoir, réalisé avec le Framework Arduino en C++ avec
English: Project of Wifi connection manager by access point with an ESP32, a breadboard with a push button, and realized with the Framework Arduino in C++ with