Projects with this topic
Docker java build image for gitlab-ci based on docker-in-docker (dind), jdk (adoptopenjdk) and maven
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Creation of a docker container providing jdk11.
This is a mirror of https://git.sw4j.net/sw4j-net/jdk11
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Scala 2 + ZIO + Log4j2 + http4s + cats + circe + sttp tapir
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Creation of a docker container providing jdk11.
This is a mirror of https://git.sw4j.net/sw4j-net/jdk11
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Creation of a docker container providing jdk8.
This is a mirror of https://git.sw4j.net/sw4j-net/jdk8
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Creation of a docker container providing jdk7.
This is a mirror of https://git.sw4j.net/sw4j-net/jdk7
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Creation of a docker container providing jdk10.
This is a mirror of https://git.sw4j.net/sw4j-net/jdk10
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Creation of a docker container providing jdk 8 and sbt 1.1.
This project is a mirror of https://git.sw4j.net/sw4j-net/jdk8-sbt1.1
Archived 0Updated