Projects with this topic
Adds a sweet set of dotfiles to your home directories
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🔥 👉 Installs the Betelgeuse Linux theme which styles a wide variety of display managers (among other things)🚀 Updated -
🆓 Provides a great, cross-platform starting point for developing an Ansible role🐴 Updated -
A boilerplate / starting template for NPM CLI packages (using Nest Commander)
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🎉 A boilerplate for a generic NPM package🐴 Updated -
Contains Packer build scripts used for launching Mac OS X using Vagrant.
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An Ansible Lint slim container and a CodeClimate engine container for GitLab CI
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😉 A slim Proselint standalone linter / CodeClimate engine for GitLab CIUpdated -
A slim Flake8 and a CodeClimate engine container for GitLab CI
👏 Updated -
Installs CloudFlare Argo Tunnel Client on nearly any system
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😉 Installs Brave Browser on nearly any OSUpdated -
Installs NordVPN on macOS and Windows
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👀 Installs Docker on nearly any platformUpdated -
🐴 A CLI that extends ansible, ansible-playbook, and ansible-vault to use the system keyring for vault passwordsUpdated -
Installs Deno (an alternative to Node.js that supports TypeScript and is built with security in mind) on nearly any platform
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A general-purpose, compact Dockerfile project that includes various programs required for CI/CD
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👉 Installs Homebrew (a package management system) on macOS and Linux systems😉 Updated -
Installs Node.js on nearly any platform
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Ensures Snap is installed and properly configured on Linux systems
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Installs Ruby (as well as a configurable list of system or user level gems) on almost any platform