Projects with this topic
Trying out Neural Networks without using and libraries likes Tensorflow, Scikit Learn etc. Just want to learn the basic concepts of the neural networks to advance the learning.
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This repo is cointaing coding of pure tensorflow to train sales_dataset which is using simple neural network (fully connected layer). I try to give explain and coding example of it from research process to production phase using google ML engine API
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A project to classify NYT articles based on the content. Uses Naive Bayes Classifiers and Neural Network. Compares the performances of the Classifiers.
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This repo contains material and coding files which is cosntis of : basic python and data science, train iris dataset and its production and simple image recognition with open cv
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Ini adalah project untuk kasus dataset iris yang dilatih dengna menggunakan jaringan syaraf tiruan atau neural network (fully connected layer) dari tahapan preprocessing sampai dengan tahapan production
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Deep learning AI, that recognizes when are people uncertain
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A C++/Qt application for experimenting with Back Propagation neural networks. Experiments are about classifying words from czech language into word types. A project for the SFC (Soft Computing) course on VUT FIT.
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Create an ANN that can play Nes
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Machine learning pipeline for kaggle personalised medicine competition
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A project to study the links between evolution and (unsupervised) machine learning in a Game of Life fashion.