Projects with this topic
Node-RED support for a Waveshare Raspberry Pi Shield AD/DA model 11010
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Run Node-RED with Homematic CCU3 support, Apple Homekit support, and dashboard on Synology NAS via Docker
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Node-RED support to control the four relays on a Keyestudio (TM) KS0212 Raspberry Pi Relay Shield.
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Interface with mattermost, based on initial node-red-contrib-mattermost, with small modifications to allow direct access to all methods exposed in mattermost-client lib. This module requires to create a bot account on mattermost, and uses websocket f
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Mit Fischertechnik und Raspberry Pi eine Serverumgebung für die Informatiktechnikerausbildung.
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Setup linux enterprise linux Rocky server for logging with Node-Red to query sensor and telegraf for system queries and store timeseries into influxDBV2 to query with Flux into dashboards in Grafana
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Support for GY-91 (MPU-9250 + BMP280), which provides Acceleration, Gyrometer, Magnetometer, Temperature readings.
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Get website META data from url, in a node-red node
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jupyter notebook server on Raspberry Pi
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Run a google search (crawl/parse) inside a node-red node.
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Provide a node to call torrent-search-api methods, see here The node is "persistent", meaning you can configure it with multiple successive messages (enable providers, then make a search...)
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Check if an email address exists through SMTP request (no mail sent). Requires port 25 of the server running node-red to be open.
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Add a node for hunterio api.
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Create a block to query fullcontact API.
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Provide nodes to call clearbit API.
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Provide nodes to call apilayer API to check emails.
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Provide a node to perform a alexarank request, parse the results to JSON.
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Perform whois commands in a node, results parsed to JSON.