Projects with this topic
System utility designed to provide information, control the fans and overclock your NVIDIA card
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This bash script will install Xorg and the Nvidia drivers (LTS & regular) for Arch Linux, and will notify the user if any error is encountered.
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Task Manager for Linux for Nvidia graphics cards
Mirrored from https://github.com/congard/nvidia-system-monitor-qt
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This repository provides Shinobi Docker images regulary built from the official Shinobi Docker image repository and microservice Shinobi Docker images.
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Plasma 5 applet to switch your integrated or discrete nvidia graphic card using prime-select from Canonical.
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Minimalistic Docker image with FFmpeg and support for hardware acceleration based on archlinux.
You can install the latest build of this image by running docker pull migoller/ffmpeg.
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A collection of awesome algorithms, implemented in CUDA.
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Docker-Project: This project is used to generate a docker image containing a basic ROS setup to develop on any host PC you want. For hardware accelleration the nvidia-docker package is used.
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Docker-Project: This project is used to generate a docker image containing ROS and a full MoveIt! installation. This project is depending on the ros-nvidia-base project. For hardware accelleration the nvidia-docker package is used.