Projects with this topic
A Yellow Economic Circle business/brand database.
🐧 🔎 Updated -
Plataforma Livre para cadastro e busca de fontes e aplicativos de dados abertos
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📖 StadtKatalog web frontend based on Vue.jsUpdated -
Triffids will be based around the Bristol Open Data platform and make use of the 'Trees', 'Parks and Green Spaces' and 'Common Land and Village Green' datasets. There are other datasets that could be integrated, for example, 'Open Benches' and 'Trees
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This is a simple project I wrote to practice with Angular. The app gets information from an external api and uses authentication. In these version, you need to download the MEL V1 Spring project too. Otherwise, use the V0.
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This is a simple project I wrote to practice with Angular. The app gets information about events in Lille and around from the api