Projects with this topic
a conceptual gitlab-runner with some bells and whistles developed for Openshift, with a registry api to create images without the need of a docker damon, transfer images and features like WORK_SPACES and GIT_CACHE to reduce resource usage.
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This project provides a common build and deployment pipeline for project build a image container and deploys it to Kubernetes. Intended use is for smaller project to make it easy to set up a fully automated build and deploy.
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Notes from practicing OpenShift installs in misc environments.
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This reference project was created to supplement a blog I wrote. Please see the readme for more information.
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A way to gracefully shutdown your applications for when Openshift goes into Maintenance =)
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Openshift / Origin object backup script. copy of
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MediaWiki 1.29.0 on Docker / OpenShift v3 or v2.
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Hello world with Django. A CI/CD demo project, regenerated every morning.
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Ucarp-based apiserver load balancer for kubernetes
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GitOps for Spring Boot. A CI/CD demo project, regenerated every morning.
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How to s2i on Openshift using nginx and angular.
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Builds a CentOS image for building rootless and un-privileged docker images from scratch from a Gitlab-CI pipeline with odagrun on OpenShift, build with Openshift Online Starter with yum install-root.
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Deploy the Minishift Development Environment
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Conceptual gitlab-runner developed for okd, with a registry api to create, copy and tag docker images, daemon-less, without docker and rootless, with features like WORK_SPACES and GIT_CACHE to reduce resources, see
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build image for oc-runner project
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Ruby cartridge for OpenShift. Support Ruby version 2.3.4 and 2.4.1.
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Python cartridge for OpenShift. Support Python version 3.4, 3.5, or 3.6.