Projects with this topic
BASH Scripts for interacting with Mastodon's REST API and Org-mode Blog
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Org-mode exporter for Leanpub books
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Org-mode template for taking notes and processing data.
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A game engine, a literate programming experiment, a game that can be played with barcode-scanners, a vanilla javascript learning project. All in one.
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All shared engineering-related intel that isn't just code, so... work breakdowns, principles, ideas and links perhaps
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Org source files of my blog at
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With lectorg you can easily capture the every detail without your attention wavering.
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This is my Emacs config
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Spike sorting course / tutorial the "Do It Yourself" way
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A lightweight Julia support for org mode using ESS
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See the site at:
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Documents et ressources à disposition des inscrits à l'atelier « Prise de notes : introduction à la méthode Zettelkasten pour les universitaires » organisé par l'Urfist Bordeaux (Décembre 2021).
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Dépôt à disposition des participants de l'ANF CNRS « Rendre sa recherche plus transparente, optimiser ses processus en science des données ». (Miroir depuis
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Ressources pédagogiques pour la formation courte à Org mode (1 jour) à l'Urfist Bordeaux, le 4 octobre 2021.
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Présentation à la réunion de lancement du Groupe d'Archéologie Computationnelle (29 novembre 2021, Pessac). Voir le diapo en ligne.
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Documents à disposition des participants au Meetup sur Orgmode, organisé par l'Urfist Bordeaux en mai 2021.
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org-edna dependency visualizer for Emacs org-mode
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Suggest strong works to include in your resume
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This repository provides ready-to-use org-mode templates for submissions to all Peer Community In journals.