Projects with this topic
Simple CoreMedia extension to dynamically generate PDF from HTML code as a filter as an example for a separated extension as an independent unit of development
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A microservice that renders templates the way you want. Scans/OCRs documents of many standard file types. Converts documents easily and creates thumbnails the way you want it.
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A lightweight, in-java-written GUI/CLI tool for (un)locking .pdf files
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A microservice that offers you receipt generation as PDF, management and rest api endpoints for managing receipts.
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PDF viewer with JavaFX and PDF.js (sample project)
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Full-stack example application featuring Spring Boot, Angular and DocRaptor. An in-memory H2 database, along with sample data allow full utilization of DocRaptor service to create PDF files.
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Markdown (e.g. GitLab Wiki) => Docbook => high quality PDF, EBUP, HTML, ...
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