Projects with this topic
Lifelong learning is a complex topic in machine learning, whether in combination with reinforce- ment learning or other learning methods. There are different approaches for this and one of them are hypernetworks. Hypernetworks have the advantage of having a very large ability to preserve past memories. Recent work attempts to demonstrate the learning ability of multiple tasks with a hypernetwork such as in the combination of reinforcement learning.
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Docker image for develop Ai projects
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Simple docker code that trains custom GAN network to generate images (bad quality, but quite fast in docker)
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3D Hand Pose Estimation using Multi-View CNNs
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"Cloud container data analytics, statistical modeling, and machine learning on distributed databases". "A free opensource alternative to SPSS, SAS, MATLAB, PowerBI, Tableau and Alteryx". Runs on Linux, Windows, MacOS, and in the cloud via containers.
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Docker images with different flavors for research (Tensorflow and Pytorch)
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Wound Detection with Yolov5 -- Class only
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CS 7643 — Spring 2019 Project
Goal: learn more about the underlying deep learning model of GPT2: the Transformer model and, more broadly, the attention mechanism.