Projects with this topic
🧾 Implementation of the Movable interface [
1️⃣ Module: Basics of the Kotlin language] (🔭 Topic: <1.5> Inheritance. Interfaces and abstract classes)Updated -
🤾 ♂️ Creating a few simple applications and working with the manifest [2️⃣ Module: Basics of Android Application Development] (🔭 Topic: <2.1> The first Android app)Updated -
🤖 Robot class [1️⃣ Module: Basics of the Kotlin language] (🔭 Topic: <1.4> Object-oriented programming)Updated -
🔡 Counting vowel letters [1️⃣ Module: Basics of the Kotlin language] (🔭 Topic: <1.2> Functions in Kotlin)Updated -
🪐 Counting the Martian volleyball score [
1️⃣ Module: Basics of the Kotlin language] (🔭 Topic: <1.1> Intro to the Kotlin Language)Updated -
🧬 The problem about Counting DNA Nucleotides [
1️⃣ Module: Basics of the Kotlin language] (🔭 Topic: <1.1> Intro to the Kotlin Language)Updated -
🪢 The problem about the carpet [
1️⃣ Module: Basics of the Kotlin language] (🔭 Topic: <1.1> Intro to the Kotlin Language)Updated