Projects with this topic
The project provides Python tool-chain and shell scripts for molecular simulation workflows: preparation, running and analysing molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of bio- and organic soft condensed matter.
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Expert level script for performing phishing attacks only for educational purpose.
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pySiriL ( python SiriL) is a python library to interface python to a SiriL script.
pySiriL ( python SiriL) est une librairie python pour interfacer python au langage de script de SiriL.
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Create declarative runs and run them easily
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A handout with an overview of Python for scientist. The last part of the document is dedicated to an introduction to neural network. This document is under the "Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International" creative common license.
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Un script avancé d’audit de sécurité et de pentesting alliant furtivité, détection adaptative, intelligence de vulnérabilités et analyses OS pour une évaluation réseau exhaustive. Conçu pour les professionnels, il allie automatisation et précision pour répondre aux environnements les plus complexes.
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[PERSONAL] A script to quickly get multiple distros under distrobox up and running (previously was for crostini)
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Automatically generate/renew Let's Encrypt certificates with Certbot on NameSilo DNS
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Script for creating latex file containing data and pictures of participants of the Mathecamp Augsburg
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Script Python care permite încărcarea automată a fișierelor și directoarelor de pe un sistem de fișiere local pe un server FTP
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Script Python destinat extragerii și descărcării articolelor de pe un site WordPress specificat și conversia acestora în format Markdown.
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A list of many disposable and temporary email address domains.
Read only mirror for
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Short script to open a file and insert my journal heading
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Small script with options to generate a string of random characters for passwords and such.
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A simple password generator written in Python, to create strong random passwords.