Projects with this topic
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VoxCeleb2 dataset of celebrity voices [Chung et al. 2018].
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VoxCeleb1 dataset of celebrity voices [Nagrani et al. 2017].
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UK/Ireland Dialect corpus from (SLR83)
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SRE2008 (LDC2011S05, LDC2011S08): speaker recognition evaluation (SRE)
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ADReSS (Alzheimer's Dementia Recognition through Spontaneous Speech) Interspeech Challenge
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Mixer6 (LDC2013S03): conversational telephone speech (CTS)
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VOICED (VOice ICar fEDerico II) data set of healthy and pathological sustained phonation
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Blather is a speech recognizer made by Jezra (Jonathan Kulp) that will run commands when a user speaks preset sentences.
RequirementsDownload and run Blather-Installer (it will install dependencies and clone this git and set up