Projects with this topic
RosarioSIS Student Information System for school management
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Quiz module for RosarioSIS. Teachers add questions and answers to the quiz database, then add their quiz to an assignment. Students take tests / quizzes online. Depending on question types, quizzes can be graded automatically.
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Student ID Card module for RosarioSIS. Generate ready to print Student Identity Cards (badges). Content is customizable (text, photo position & size, background image, and padding).
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Student Pickup module for RosarioSIS. Scan the QR code presented by the parent and save the Drop-off (check-in) or Pickup (check-out) time for their child.
Updated - TestApp is an interactive system helping students and teachers to manage and analyze students tests. This part conatins the PHP-wrote backend.
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Get stats from Mixer data. It's a ESGI student project.
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