Projects with this topic
Put MyGirl on whole page for screen and add customisations features.
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Secret Llama website is more suitable for wide screens.
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Dark theme for whole Muah.AI website.
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Styles CSS à intégrer dans l'extension de navigateur Stylus. Ce dépôt liste uniquement des outils à l'audit RGAA pour mettre en évidence des balisages ou paramétrages spécifiques à certains tests de critères.
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Customizable Stylus theme for Gitlab and self-hosted GitLab instances.
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Stylus UserCSS/LESS tume stiil veebilehele
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Customizable Stylus theme for Discord with many UI improvements.
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Complete, feature-rich, very customizable userstyle for WhatsApp.
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One-file custom CSS theme by Tim Krief to be applied to John Nesky's amazing tool,
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Enhanced Stylus translation of a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox.
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This is a personal portfolio written in django, html and stylus. Hosted on but is replaced by a whole new version.
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Global settings companion-userstyle for my userstyles.
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A list that contains all my userstyles.
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CSS styles for the Stylus browser extension that make supported websites use less padding and more compact.
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Customizable dark theme for DevDocs.