Projects with this topic
Duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-format volumes and uploading them to a remote or local file server.
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Python module to manage a config file/parameter files. Values are retrieved from the parmeter file and made accessible as cfg.xxxxx. Application data can be added to the config module to pass data between application modules. Changes to the config file are noted by the version number and if changed, the existing config file is rewritten.
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Small C++ helpers that come in handy every now and then.
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How few lines can you use to make a logging utility? This even has color support.
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How few lines can you take a list of strings and output them in to columns?
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Split texts into words according to spaces and punctuation marks.
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Grit is a persistence utility layer written on top of SQL Alchemy
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Scripts individuales escritos en python para objetivos específicos. Desarrollo con el propósito de ser reutilizado en otros proyectos
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Set of view helpers to make work with django more pleasant.
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An easy-to-use Python to Markdown generator.
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Tools and utilities for SVS research group.
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GNOME desktop utility to temporarily disable the screen lock
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GUI tool to configure bluetooth adapter connectivity for systemd and bluez.
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Pinecon - simple todo-app, that you can use in your console.