Projects with this topic
WEB source php code of the skindb api site for minetest, GUACHI powered -
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Repositorio API para la carga de caracteristicas de articulos como productos
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Repositorio API para la carga de documentos de recibos sean facturas o notas
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Docker images for old & new VenenuX Debian releases
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Git reṕo to made VenenuX apine builds
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VenenuX example various dockers containers
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VenenuX GNU/linux ISO distro work
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Simplemail plugins still not integrated but with some fixed for roundcube releases (0.9, 1.0 and 1.2)
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Gelide emulao packagin changes to made fit to VenenuX emulation suite. This added some setting and change behavior to work specific to debian/venenux. Sync with gihub