Projects with this topic
The projectm was a challenge requirement to be done for TAP or Advanced Programming Techniques.
The original repo contained a symfony template app, which I used to be build something rather useful. I should have not based the my app on the downstream codebase, it was a misunderstanding and an overkill. I had to clean the implementation, as using the builtin 'start new templabe with a click' did not work for me. I def needed something else - not a full fledged opionionated PHP framework I didnt used doctrine or a DB... For development, II used persistance storages like session cookies just for the PGP verify page so I didnt have to complete and submit the form every page refresh. It has file logs for dev work to check the tail of the appendix - as usual for me back then - instead of using the (ackward) symfony debuger which didnt clicked at first, and when I suspected my broken app was not working cuz some interference with the toolbar, I stopped trying to debug the app with the built-in symfony dev tools.
I had lots of fun building the app until the end. Which was 2 x sad and 5 x overtime
Warning! This is not properly tested at the time of the writing. Do you own diligence as always, assume every system is broken and unsecure. Against you.
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