Projects with this topic
Telegram bot that can scrape web pages of a popular bike parts shops, checking the price and alerting the user on price change. For database management and admin page we use Django.
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A youtube multimedia downloader and manager. All contributions are welcome. Made in Gtk4 with Vala. This program enables you to download youtube content and put it in containers called playlists, you can access these playlists in the file manager (WIP), and you can even search youtube with a relatively good speed (May cause youtube to speed limit your service).
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BASH script to find free tracks and albums from any discography page on bandcamp.
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Retrieves images from threads from a certain board containing the given text in the title.
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This is just a basic web scraper I made to get better at web scraping. It's purpose is to look up channels and give the user Channel name, Channel Description, Channel Video Count, and Subscriber count