Projects with this topic
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is a comprehensive web application for group collaboration and communication as well as data input, management and presentation that has been continuously developed for 22 years. The software design of this no-code/low-code solution is to include the most-needed components in the core code rather than relying on third-party plugins and extensions. Tiki is community-managed, and open development is pursued by the Tiki Software Community Association, a non-profit corporation. The Tiki project values and facilitates the participation of its coders, power users, and other collaborators, and welcomes anyone who is interested to join us.
This is Tiki's public Git repository, for receiving merge requests. When unsure which branch to use see
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A wiki page created for Atelier Sophie DX
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Octt Knowledge Base (TiddlyWiki)
Updated - Community documentation for the Casio Prizm fx-CG calculators, primarily geared toward software development.
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A wiki and documentation static site generator with AsciiDoc markup language at heart
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This is an aggregate of all my experiences acquired during my dev career.
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Contributions to the ParrotSec project and community. Join the || telegram group: @parrotsecgroup || || webirc: || irc Server: || Clear Ports: 6667 - 6669 || SSL/TLS Ports: 6697 - 7000 || XMPP Server: (Port:5222) || MUC: ||
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This project moved to
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gstudio is a node description framework (NDF) to create knowledge networks. We are recreating gnowsys-studio with mongodb as storage. This scaled up version with support for multiple projects will be used for the several OER and open courseware projects.
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Управляемый сообществом и (возможно) самый большой источник информации о тульпах
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Personal wiki, knowledge sink, and notes:
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Information about Fedran, a steampunk fantasy world by D. Moonfire.
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Allow the readers of your blog/homepage to report typos and other corrections.
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Pruebas de uso y despliegue de sitio estático
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(deprecated by knowledge sharing place. The community made documentation for kaiOS devices is gathered here.
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