Projects with this topic
Links to Bash Best Practices References
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My own humble dotfiles using gnu stow as seen here : http://brandon.invergo.net/news/2012-05-26-using-gnu-stow-to-manage-your-dotfiles.html
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💻 Configuration for a Python, PHP, Go, JavaScript and TypeScript development environment built around Neovim and Tmux.Updated -
my personal dotfiles mostly running on wsl right now
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A bunch of my .dotfiles/ configuration for some tools I use daily to improve my productivity as a developer. This repo also serves as a collection that can be easily checked to help obtain a consistent workstation feel among different machines.
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My personal dotfiles managed by chezmoi
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Modular configuration system for the Z shell (ZSH)
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Collection of various (mostly POSIX) ShellScripts that I use with my machines.
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Custom ZSH plugin to generate random Riddles.
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A collection of dotfiles for Git, zsh, and other tools in the terminal
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.[dot] files for providing shell aliases, functions and git aliases