- Fixed Specular Aniso negative drop - Properly set up Specular Highlight Shadow contribution and included this system into the Cubemap section - Fixed Ambient Direction which was incorrect since ever.. - Fixed all issues related to Matcaps and gave Matcap and Baked Cubemaps a new way of lighting(Matcap Intensity now equals exact brightness meaning 1 is full brightness so you would need to scale the Intensity down from 5 to 1 when updating to this version) - Vertex Lights coloring now works properly and inherit initial ToonRamp color data - Subsurface Scattering includes Shadow Caster Shadows now and should be complete now - SCS Shadows work the same way like ToonRamp Shadows do and dont wrap anymore on opacity tweaks - Diffuse Ambient Light Shadows are fading properly now the brighter surrounding Pixel Lights get - The 'Maximum Light Multiplier'(which is pretty handy for debugging) now includes Diffuse Vertex Lights - Fixed some minor underlying issues with Lighting calculations specifically for Vertex Lights - Added a Point/Spot Light Intensity slider