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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 1.1.1 Release: Release 1.1.1 of components in fr3nch13/gitlab-runner-vagrant-driver
    Adds 3 new variables:
    - `VAGRANT_CPUS`: Defaults to '' which will use Vagrant's default when setting the cpu. It's 1 i believe. Can be used to set the amount of CPUs. It sets `vb.cpus` in the `Vagrantfile`
    - `VAGRANT_MEMORY`: Defaults to '' which will use Vagrant's default when setting memory. Can be used to set the amount of Memory on MB. It sets `vb.memory` in the `Vagrantfile`
    - `VAGRANT_RUN_PUPPET`: Defaults to '1' which will cause the provision section in the `Vagrantfile` and `builds/Vagtanfile` to run `puppet agent -t` if puppet is installed on the VM.
  • 1.1.0 Release: Release 1.1.0 of components in fr3nch13/gitlab-runner-vagrant-driver
    - Adds `VAGRANFILE` variable to the `parall:matrix:` in the vagrant component to allow users to define a Vagrantfile different from the default.
    - Changes the `VM_NAME` to `BASE_BOX` in the `parall:matrix:` in the vagrant component to more align with the purpose of the variable.
    - Adds the `.vagrant.d` folder, and makes it the default place for vagrant to download base boxes to.
    - Adds better checking of the environment variables for the driver.
    - Adds support in the driver for the `VAGRANTFILE` variable.
    - Updates the cron job and the monitor scripts to use the new `.vagrant.d` folder.
    - Adds an upgrade script that checks out the latest tag.
    - Adds testing of the component when a different Vagrantfile is defined.
    - Updates the files.
  • 1.0.0 Release: Release 1.0.0 of components in fr3nch13/gitlab-runner-vagrant-driver
    See if this publishes the Vagrant component.