Extra credit assignment not calculating correctly
I am using the latest version cloned from github (v7.2.4) I configured Assignment Type for a total of 100% in Percent of Final Grade
- Setup one more Assignment Type and named it Extra Credits, then give Extra Credit 10.00% so my Percent Total is 110%
- Create one assignment under Extra Credit, and use 0 for Points
- One student submitted this extra credit assignment and received 100 points
Go to Menu > Grades:
- In the drill-down boxes, select Extra Credit on the first box and then selected the extra credit assignment on the second box, I students properly received the correct points under the Points column
But in the two drill-down boxes, select All and Total. Under the Points column, the points for this student with extra credit assignment submitted remained the same. Should this number changed to reflect the extra credit submitted?
Go to Menu > Grades:
- First drill-down box, select Extra Credit assignment type
- On the second box, select Totals
- This time, I was presented with list of students in my class all with *0/0 under Points, 0.00% under Percent and everyone received F as grade under Letter