Siril interpretates keywords XPIXSZ, YPIXSZ excluding binning. Should be including binning
Siril version: alpha version
After using the Siril astrometric solver, I noted the following:
Assume a file with the following header:
XPIXSZ = 3.76 / X pixel size microns
YPIXSZ = 3.76 / Y pixel size microns
After image binning the header should contain:
XPIXSZ = 7.520000000000E+000 / Pixel width in microns (after binning)
YPIXSZ = 7.520000000000E+000 / Pixel height in microns (after binning)
XBINNING= 2 / Camera binning mode
YBINNING= 2 / Camera binning mode
If Siril reads this file it assumes a pixel size of 14 micrometer. A factor 2 wrong.
See e.g: