# v2.2.6 ## Enhancement - [#411] Implement control on skill rolls dialog to allow PC/NPC to skip the automated difficulty increase due to wound penalties ## Bugfix - [#422] Defeated not applying Icon ## Chore - [#424] Remove "allowBugReporter" from system.json - [#425] Remove deprecated use of Sass lighten/darken in CSS definitions - [#426] Update node and packages used by build process to latest LTS - [#427] Remove use of deprecated Sass @import rules from CSS - [#428] Math.clamped is deprecated in favor of Math.clamp - [#429] Stop accessing the global "DiceTerm" which is now namespaced under foundry.dice.terms.DiceTerm - [#430] StatusEffectConfig#label has been deprecated in favor of StatusEffectConfig#name - [#431] StatusEffectConfig#icon has been deprecated in favor of StatusEffectConfig#img - [#432] globalThis.getProperty must now be accessed via foundry.utils.getProperty - [#434] globalThis.setProperty must now be accessed via foundry.utils.setProperty *NOTE: As of this release the Conan2d20 system only supports FoundryVTT v12 and above*