Provide more details on installing and setting up the jekyll website
Based on feedback by @lukebabb there is currently not enough info to get you started.
Uploading my picture... so I followed the steps on this link ( and did everything through terminal/command line. Now that I think about it I'm not 100% sure I had installed all the command line tools, so maybe some guidance there?
Looking at that link, this is where I dropped off. I was able to complete step 1, cloning the project, but was lost in terms of how to get from there to step 2. It made more sense once Jose walked me through it.
- Clone the www-gitlab-com project through your shell, following the command line commands documentation.
- Find the picture that you’d like to add to our team page, change the picture's name to the following format: yourname.jpg or yourname.png and then follow the "how to add an image" steps.
I talked with @ernstvn and he proposed
perhaps we shouldn’t be pointing to a .md page on a blob… and perhaps we should also explain how the web UI is sufficient to add your picture
So,I plan to add some detailed instructions to get you started with setting up a ruby environment.
About Git, our gitlab-basics documentation needs a revamp, this should be fixed in CE.