Inconsistent version in CHART_VERSION file with the controller image
As described in your document, I defind the chart version of my Gitlab resouce as 5.3.4, which is one of the versions in the CHART_VERSION file.
But as I created the resource, the controller keeps telling me the chart path is not found. The error seems to be thrown by the AvailableChartVersions()
2021-11-14T07:36:55.887Z DEBUG Warning {"object": {"kind":"GitLab","namespace":"gitlab-system","name":"example","uid":"5df32fbf-2729-45c7-b2b3-9007aefb859b","apiVersion":"","resourceVersion":"62524"}, "reason": "ConfigError", "message": "Configuration error detected: path \"/charts/gitlab-5.3.4.tgz\" not found"}
And as I logged into the manager pod, I found that the version is not in consistent with your CHART_VERSIONS file.
(base) ➜ operator-usage kubectl -n gitlab-system exec -it gitlab-controller-manager-57477f9db-5wvpb -c manager -- bash
bash-4.4$ ls
bin charts etc lib licenses manager mnt proc run srv templates usr
boot dev home lib64 lost+found media opt root sbin sys tmp var
bash-4.4$ cd /charts/
bash-4.4$ ls
gitlab-5.1.5.tgz gitlab-5.2.4.tgz gitlab-5.3.0.tgz
As I change the version in Gitlab resouce to 5.3.0. The error is not thrown again. Please revise your version accordingly.
Env meta
Kubernetes: aliyun ACK v1.18.8-aliyun.1
Edited by Mitchell Nielsen